


Details   Activity

Vous avez sélectionné un hébergement du type AKORD. Cet hébergement vous apporte la garantie d'une disponibilité de votre oeuvre pour une durée de 200 ans et sans blocage lié aux opérations de maintenances habituelles sur des technologies web classiques.

Ce service est facturé 32€ par Go utilisé et n'est pas remboursable dès l'acception du présent contrat.

Acceptez-vous le présent contrat :

Payment Procedure by Credit Card

You are about to pay for the storage of your artwork on the AKORD network. Afterward, the contract creation process will resume, and your artwork will be uploaded to your storage.

To access your artwork, you will need to sign the transaction with the owner of the artwork and pay the requested amount.

Once this final step is completed, you will receive your invoice by email.

Important: You will have 72 hours to complete the purchase of your NFT. After this time, it will be put back on sale, and the fees for creating the storage space will be lost.

After each step, you will receive an email allowing you to resume the process from where you left off.

Storage choice
IPFS storage is fast, free for our customers and provides secure access to your works.
AKOR storage is chargeable with a level of storage and accessibility for a duration of 200 years. It does not suffer from degraded performance during maintenance phases and is guaranteed by AKORD for the entire duration of execution. This service is billed at €32 per GB stored.

Entering information...
* Company name * TVA number
* Country
* Last name * First name
* Email
* Phone
* Address
* Zip code * City
* Mandatory fields
Contract processing

Creating contract... Contract build complete

Contract creation

Your smart Contract is being created. This step is estimated to 1 minute.

Creating contract

This may take a while, you will be informed by email to:

once the transfer is completed and you will be able to resume the process.
Mint processing

Minting contract... Mint complete

Mint creation

Your smart Contract is being minted. This step is estimated to 1 minute.

Minting contract

This may take a while, you will be informed by email to:

once the transfer is completed and you will be able to resume the process.
IPFS Storage

Transfering Asset to Storage... Transfer complete


Your NFT is being transferred to our IPFS servers. This step is estimated to 1 minute.

Transfer Processing

This may take a while, you will be informed by email to:

once the transfer is completed and you will be able to resume the process.

Signing Contract... Sign complete

Transaction sign

Transaction Processing

This may take a while, you will be informed by email to:

once the transfer is completed and you will be able to resume the process.

Transaction complete

Transaction sign

Congratulations. You now own this NFT. You will receive your invoice by email.
We thank you.



Transaction canceled

Transaction canceled

You have canceled the transaction. You can start again later. Please note: this NFT will be put back on sale.

Transaction error

Transaction Error

An error occurred during payment. The transaction is canceled. You can start again later. Please note: this NFT will be put back on sale.

Wallet installation

Plugin Wallet not installed

Please, choose and install Wallet and retry.

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